Neil and Mel's Big Adventure

Adventure Tunes

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Easy Rider to Fallon, NV

Mel is at the Pony Express Station at Cold Springs. The camp tonight is at an RV park in Fallon; $2.50 each for a total of $5 for the camp spot. Mel is ecstatic. Showers are okay. The ride today was good -- easy. About 50 miles. They passed Sand Mountain, a sand-dunes kind of place with lots of people and RVs and stuff. They have seen a couple of Pony express historical sights and have been on "Lincoln Highway" some, which was the first road coast to coast in the 1920's. They've probably missed the couple-pushing-a-stroller. They were in Fallon, but were going to Reno from there, said the RV park guy. The Greybeards are going to Carson City, a different route, tomorrow and maybe beyond. Hopefully we can get pictures to post of the past few days. They don't seem to be making it here.

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